Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Camp Update

In the end I settled on 25,000 for my word count and decided to be a rebel and not work on any one project. So far its been mostly fan fiction (so far I've got Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Lord of the Rings) but I'm getting my word count done so in the end it doesn't matter too much. I was hoping to get some original fiction done this month but maybe I'll get something worth posting on my fanfiction account.

You see last November NaNo was about sticking to one story and writing even when I didn't feel like it. At the end of the month I was sick of that story and desperately needed a break. That break lasted four months. This month I want to cultivate a better writing habit, work in a way that I can keep on working after camp is over. And hopefully finish one of these short stories or one shots I'm working on or that have been gathering dust in my ideas file.

Also I was right, I felt much better after the first day or so and stopped worrying so much. Those last few days were nerve racking but now I'm not really worried  I'm pretty sure that I can get my word count done, after all I've done more in less time.

I had hoped to do more blog posts but sense I decided that they don't count in my word count I've been putting it off in favor of things that do. Maybe latter I'll post short piece or something, that is if I can find a bit that I wouldn't need to much over hauling to be viewed by the general public. :)